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Here's how we turned $4,712.61 into $36,987.74 through this scientific '2 step' client getting system

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Updated 13th of October

Dear business builder,

If you want to get as many leads, clients and sales as you can handle within the next 28 days...

*cough* guaranteed *cough*

Then this will be some of the most exciting words you read all year.

In a year I will unveil how we are able to guarantee results...

All by using this forgotten and scientific client getting system from 1931.

But first...

Let's make sure you are in the right place.

This is for you if:
You are tired of burning money on ads without measurable results
You are sick and tired of tire kickers and dirt poor leads
You are generating traffic but it is not converting
You are getting lost in the jungle of agencies and consultants
So if you wanna take your business and turn it into a semi-automated client getting monster...

Where you are able to predict how many:

Leads, calls and sales you will get every month...

Then I urge you to read this message through word by word.

It's exactly what you are about to get.
Sebastian Thuesen
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100% free and non-binding

Thomas Weibel

"This selling system gives me new leads and clients every day - it's a complete gamechanger and saves me so much time"

Ryan Badran

"I had to turn off the system within 5 days to keep up with the leads coming in"

Malene Solborg

"This is the COOLEST way of selling - period"

Thomas Weibel

"This selling system gives me new leads and clients every day - it's a complete gamechanger and saves me so much time"

Ryan Badran

"I had to turn off the system within 5 days to keep up with the leads coming in"

Malene Solborg

"This is the COOLEST way of selling - period"

Pascal Jacobsen

“The funnel Sebastian has provided has made a tremendous difference in my business“

Jonas Helleberg

"I go to bed and wake up to new booked calls with highly qualified leads. That's just how it is every day at this point“


“I am not even joking... while recording this testimonial a client calls me and tells me he wants to start“

Pascal Jacobsen

“The funnel Sebastian has provided has made a tremendous difference in my business“

Jonas Helleberg

"I go to bed and wake up to new booked calls with highly qualified leads. That's just how it is every day at this point“


“I am not even joking... while recording this testimonial a client calls me and tells me he wants to start“

Thomas Weibel

"This selling system gives me new leads and clients every day - it's a complete gamechanger and saves me so much time"

Ryan Badran

"I had to turn off the system within 5 days to keep up with the leads coming in"

Malene Solborg

"This is the COOLEST way of selling - period"

Thomas Weibel

"This selling system gives me new leads and clients every day - it's a complete gamechanger and saves me so much time"

Ryan Badran

"I had to turn off the system within 5 days to keep up with the leads coming in"

Malene Solborg

"This is the COOLEST way of selling - period"

Pascal Jacobsen

“The funnel Sebastian has provided has made a tremendous difference in my business“

Jonas Helleberg

"I go to bed and wake up to new booked calls with highly qualified leads. That's just how it is every day at this point“


“I am not even joking... while recording this testimonial a client calls me and tells me he wants to start“

Pascal Jacobsen

“The funnel Sebastian has provided has made a tremendous difference in my business“

Jonas Helleberg

"I go to bed and wake up to new booked calls with highly qualified leads. That's just how it is every day at this point“


“I am not even joking... while recording this testimonial a client calls me and tells me he wants to start“
"This selling system gives me new leads and clients every day - it's a complete gamechanger and saves me so much time"
"I had to turn off the system within 5 days to keep up with the leads coming in"
"This is the COOLEST way of selling - period"
“The funnel Sebastian has provided has made a tremendous difference in my business“
"I go to bed and wake up to new booked calls with highly qualified leads. That's just how it is every day at this point“
“I am not even joking... while recording this testimonial a client calls me and tells me he wants to start“
Let me guess:

You've tried everything under the sun in order to get more clients.

But scaling seems more difficult than solving the Enigma.

The truth is:

Scaling your business without a scientific system in place...

Is like stepping into the ring versus Mike Tyson as a brand new beginner:

Ugly and messier than a toddler's first spaghetti dinner.

Because relying on referrals is highly unpredictable.

Posting content organically is a drag.

Paid ads can murder your money quickly, if you are not a seasoned pro.

And cold calling gives the best salesman the creeps.

I know because I've done it all.

In hindsight I'd rather rub habanero chili in my eyes than acquire clients these ways.

Today I take advantage of a simple and scientific client getting system...

Where I know exactly how many clients I am getting, by monitoring 3 KPI's.

If you want to test drive this system...

Then claim your free demo call with me below.
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100% free and non-binding

Here's a fraction of the high converting pages we've crafted

The pages we create convert upwards of 44.3% of all visitors into leads and sales. The average conversion rate of a landing page is 5.89%.

Not only does this give us a lot more clients for the same ad spend - it also gives us better bids in the auction when advertising, because we deliver exceptional user experiences based on providing value.

Click to see examples:

The reason we know without a shadow of doubt that this system works...

And that we're willing to guarantee results is simple:

We've spent more than $2,000,000 in battle testing and hardening this system.

We are also directly paid on the additional revenue we generate.

When you take on that kind of risk, you force yourself to learn what works.

And not just what works, but what works the best.

Besides: Instead of barraging prospects with cold emails and sliding into the DM's...

We are one of the only digital agencies that actually digitally market to get clients.

We are actively using the exact solution we would prescribe to you.

And if you wanna see how it works in action...

Simply click the button below.
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100% free and non-binding

So what is it our wizardry can do for you?

Great question.

You see, there are 2 kinds of agencies in this world:

Those who create your ads in a half-assed way by baking it up using ChatGPT...

Send them into wild west that is the internet.

They'll see themselves satisfied with views, increased recognition and traffic.

If your website just so happens to convert... They'll take credit for this accidental growth.

And if you try to ask them for quanitifiable results they pull out a Houdini. 

Then we have the agency that couldn't care less about traffic and views.

The agency that knows you cannot pay your staff with clicks or leads.

The agency that knows how to turn clicks into clients.

As for us?

We have an intimate relationship with number 2.

Here's how it works:
We wrap up your offer and position it in a new way, that has prospects saying: "Wow, this looks new" - so you get more clients that are willing to pay more and don't haggle on price.
We'll write all sales copy across ads, landing pages, emails, funnels and the whole shabang - so your visitors feel like you are 'one of them' thus converting into clients.
We'll custom design your entire funnel from A-Z in a stylish way, that doesn't look like a complete ripoff from a standard Clickfunnels template, that converts visitors into clients, that you can also proudly show to your mamma.
We'll help you measure the effectiveness of every penny spent on ads, so you have constant confidence that you are generating ROI, and have X-ray like clairty on how much you are getting back
We'll give you in-depth sales training on a deep socially intelligent level, having leads ASK to become clients themselves
We'll run all your ads entirely for you, resulting in a constantly full pipeline
But we've just gotten to know each other.

If you wanna test drive this system and see how it could explode the trajectory of your business...

Then claim your free demo call below.
Claim my free demo call
100% free and non-binding

Some of the people we take great pride in helping

"This selling system gives me new leads and clients every day - it's a complete gamechanger and saves me so much time"
- Thomas Weibel
“I had to turn off the system as I couldn't handle the amount of new leads coming in“
- Ryan Badran
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2 spots left for this offer in

We'll the beat the pants off your best ads, campaigns and funnels - or you don't pay us

We are so confident that this system will you give you more leads, sales and clients than what you are getting now, that we are willing to put our money where our mouth is.

Interested in putting us to the test?

Easy now tiger, this offer is not for everybody.

And my lawyer wanted me to cover my ass in some way.

Here are our requirements:


You are already running ads and have proof of concept. This means you must already be selling your goods and services. Even though we smell dangerously great and we posess near magical abilities, we can't bend the laws of nature and guarantee you a business from scratch. (If you need an entire selling system from scracth, click here and see your options).


You let us create campaigns and ads the believe will sell. Let me shoot you straight: Since we are doing this on our own dime, we couldn't care less what you, your business partner, your mom or the President thinks of our work. Besides checking the factual and legal correctness of the ads, we hold all creative responsibility. If an ad isn't ours, we can't guarantee it's succes.


You don't sell anything that is illegal, immoral or dangerous. Neither are you a part of any scummy pyramid scheme or multi-level-marketing. Period.
If you do meet these requirements and you wanna put us to the test, then simply click the button below.
Claim my free demo call
100% free and non-binding

You will be generating more leads than you know what to do with

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100% free and non-binding


Do you only handle advertising?

Gosh no. That would be like Porsche selling you a car with 1 tire. We handle and help you with:

  • Writing ads that strike like lightning.
  • Crafting landing pages that convert
  • Making offers that have your prospects frothing
  • Email sequences that turn ice-cold traffic into profit
  • Sales training to close more deals with pressure or hype
  • Creating an end-to-end selling system so you can stop working late nights

That’s just a brief overview by the way.

How are you different to other agencies?

Well, we are different for a multitude reasons:

  1. We actively use the solutions we prescribe to our clients, to get clients! (Which is unfortunately very rare nowadays)
  2. We guarantee results!
  3. We smell fantastic
How do I know I am making ROI?

Because we guarantee results for our cliens. We also don’t just blindly spend money. We actively help you track ad spend so you always have a clear view of how much has been spent and how much has been generated.

Am I qualified?

If you:

  1. Are willing to invest in your business
  2. Are willing to listen and take advice
  3. Don’t micro-manage us
  4. Are a pleasure to work with

Then yeah, you are most likely qualified. However it depends on your business model as well. That’s what we have the free 30-minute call for!

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